Want to open your own store?

Entrepreneurial Services & Mentorship

Not only do we want to help in building shoe collections, self esteem, and confidence we also want to help women build their own empires and or make their own mark in the business world. Our vision is to not only supply women from all walks of life with fashionable shoes for their wardrobe, but to also supply them with the needed support, knowledge, and skills to build their own brand as we have ours. We have several Mentorship programs and Entrepreneurial services available below, along with a retail vendors list with vendors for all industries. Send us an email or text for any questions or concerns regarding any of our programs or services. Good Luck on your journey to success! 
Email: customer.service@kyxshoes.com


The Shoe Obsession Vendors List

 So as yall know i’ve been selling shoes for going on 5 years NOW! I sold a vendor list about 3 years ago but let's be honest i was a rookie then lol! Since then I have updated and revamped my vendors list & well as met new vendors and learned how I design my own shoes! Now that I am seasoned in the game I am reintroducing the Shoe Obsession Vendors List with Shoe vendors only! This vendors list will show you the top VIRAL styles I purchased from US wholesalers. It also comes with one FREE Zoom call with me explaining how to properly use our vendors list & what to say to vendors in order to establish and build a business relationship with these vendors. We will also discuss strategies on how to select your own inventory, and why having a strategy is so important when using a vendors list! If you have any questions regarding the vendors list the Zoom call will give you the chance to ask those questions in order to gain clarity on what you need to do to start your own shoe store! So head over to the site and get yours now if you haven't already! 

* *If you purchased our OLD preferred vendors list send us a dm or text with the first and last name on your order and will send the updated Shoe Obsession Vendors List to the email you have on file along with the zoom link to join our call so that you can make the best of your investment!  



 The Obsessed Business Consultation ZOOM CALL

 If you have a business idea and don't know where to start, how to start or when to start, we are here to help you. In this consultation we will help you determine what to research regarding your business and its industry, give you questions you should think about regarding your business, help you determine the best time and target audience for your business. We will also provide the info you will need to obtain your EIN and the info on how to legally register your business with your state


Want to learn how to design your own shoes? 



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